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Project #34 Nature crowns and cuffs

Sunday, 20 September 2009 by Irene Hoofs


Nature Crowns and Cuffs by Maya Donenfeld from maya*made
This nature inspired project is for a group and would make a perfect pening activity at a birthday party. We will be creating crowns decorated with assorted flower petals and leaves. Extend this activity by beginning with a walk to collect your materials and end it with a garden tea party or picnic!

What you will need:

*assorted flowers and leaves
*large tray (optional)
*duct tape
* paper bag or Kraft paper


step one
Have your child dissect the flowers by gently pulling apart all of the petals. Suggestion: consider sorting by color and size.
step two
While they are engaged in their work, cut two strips of paper that equal the length of your child's head circumference plus 2 inches and are 1 inch wide. Suggestion: cut a side of one piece to be be a decorative crown top with a triangle repeat.
step three
Cut a piece of duct tape equal in length  to your paper strips. Lay it sticky side up on your work surface. Carefully adhere the strips along the top and bottom edge of the tape.
step four
Have your child embellish his/her crown with collected bits from nature.
step five
Fit crown to head and attach with one more small piece of tape.
step one
Cut a piece of tape to fit loosely around the wrist: sticky side out.
step two
Decorate as you did for the crown.

Invite your garden royalty to tea!


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