Project #55 Spring Wardrobe Update
Spring Wardrobe Update by Kristen Sutcliffe from New House Project
I often find vintage embroidered handkerchiefs at estate sales and flea markets, but I don't have a good use for them. I decided to use one to transform one of Saya's plain tank tops for spring. Even if you are not a big sewer, you can do this project. I promise it is very quick and easy.What You'll Need:
*vintage embroidered handkerchief
*plain tank top or t-shirt
*Wonder Under Fusible Web
*needle and embroidery floss
Step One:
After you have selected your plain shirt and embroidered handkerchief, cut a piece of the Wonder Under a little bit larger than the design that you are going to apply to the shirt.
Step Two:
Using a hot iron, join the Wonder Under to the handkerchief. (The Wonder Under comes with complete instructions and illustrations for how to use the product.)
Step Three:
Cut out the part of the handkerchief embroidery that you want to use to decorate your top. The tank top I was using was quite small, so I couldn't use all of the embroidered design.
Step Four:
Peel the paper off of the back of the design, place it on the shirt, and iron again to fuse it. (Again, please follow the directions included with the Wonder Under.
Step Five:
Now your design should be permanently adhered to the shirt. For added security I just did a simple whip stitch around the entire design. I chose a matching color of embroidery floss, but you could also choose a contrasting color--whatever you think would look best with your design.
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