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Project #93: Yarn Fonts

Tuesday, 13 September 2011 by Irene Hoofs

Yarn Font instructions by Teri from Giddy Giddy

 Here's a really easy project for font fanatics and craft lovers. Its so easy that children should be able to handle a single letter or shape just fine.  Now that we've tackled a few words, I think we'll start making longer messages like Happy Birthday or Have a Wonderful Day!

What you'll need..... The DIY is easy!
*All you need are yarn scraps and some pipecleaners.


step 1.  connect your pipe cleaners by twisting together and then shape your word.
step 2. Start tying yarn pieces around the pipe cleaner and then wrapping loosely several times til desired thickness is reached.
step 3. Once the pipe cleaner is covered in yarn, you can reshape the word or letter as it holds the shape even more firmly.


Have a great time!

.. Giddy Giddy..

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