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Project #103: Cork Necklace

Tuesday, 7 February 2012 by Irene Hoofs


Cork Necklace by Véronique from Pichouline

What you'll need:
*3 corks - you can choose the quantity yourself, I used 3 corks.
*craft paint
*cord – I used a cotton silver cord 70cm long
*awl or you can use a very sharp needle or bottle opener
*plastic needle for kids

Step 1:
Paint the corks in the colour you like, you can also leave one cork unpainted. I used two coats of paint.
Step 2:
You can do this for your kid: Use a sharp knife and cut the cork into 4mm-thick rounds (you can choose the thickness).
Step 3:
Punch a hole in the center of the rounds.
Step 4:
Take a plastic needle and thread the rounds onto the cord.
Step 5:
Take the two ends and tie them together with a knot and finish with a bow. Pull this knot very tight so that it will not come undone when you pull the necklace over your head. You can determine the length of your necklace by where you tie this knot.


Have fun!


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