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Project #116: Balloon Kiss

Wednesday, 10 October 2012 by Irene Hoofs


Balloon message by Véronique from Pichouline

Nice welcome home “kiss” for your beloved one….but you can make any message you want!

what you'll need:


Step 1:
Cut out the cardboard. I made a big X, to say KISS
If you don't want to see the cardboard, paint it the same colour as the balloons, or your wall.
Step 2:
Punch holes in the cardboard, where you want to put the balloons.
The most practical is to start with the corners and the middle, then  fill up the empty spaces.
Step 3:
Put the balloons into the holes.
Hang up the balloon message to your wall,  use  tape or if there is a screw in your wall use this.


..All images by Véronique

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