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Project #162: DIY Animal Laterns

Tuesday, 8 July 2014 by Irene Hoofs

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Make your own Animal laterns by Yuliya  from Yufrukt

Kids are not always keen on going to bed so we have to lure them in with bedtimes stories, lullabies and other kind of things. Lighting their own lantern before getting into bed could be one of them! Make a spooky looking cat and a colourful mouse together with your little ones and tell your bedtime stories with the lights off and the lanterns on!

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects
For making your very own game you will need:
* Thick paper or card (we used black paper for the scary cat and the light yellow one for the colourful carnival mouse)
* colourful tissue paper
* paper knife
* cutting board
* scissors
* pencil and eraser
* glue
* two tea-light candles

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Step 1:
Draw an outline of the ears of a cat and a mouse on your pieces of paper and cut them out (see the picture below).

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Step 2:
Now draw their faces (make shapes easy and bold, you will have to cut them out).

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Step 3:
Using a paper knife and a cutting board cut out eyes, mouths and noses.

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Step 4:
Now take your tissue paper and glue bits of it behind the cut outs. Use any colours you like!

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Once you've stuck the coloured tissue on, flip the cards over. This is how it should look from the "face side".

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Step 5:
Glue two sides of the latern together so that the card forms a cylinder. Make sure that the cylinder isn't too tight - there needs to be some room between the paper latern and the flame of the candle!

Bloesem Kids | DIY Animal laterns kids craft projects

Step 6:
Wait until it's dark and light the tea-light candles, placing the laterns over them carefully to see your laterns come to life!

Enjoy you bedtime stories! - Yuliya

.. Yufrukt

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