Project #183: Funny Family Portrait DIY
Make your own funny family portrait by Yuliya from Yufrukt
Do you have a big sister or a little brother? Does anyone in your family have a moustache?
Today we’re going to make a fun family portrait collage using a bunch of colourful paper shapes and some imagination. Don’t be offended mamas and papas, you don’t really have square noses and triangle eyes!
What you will need:
* Colourful paper
* A pair of scissors
* Glue stick/glue
* a plain sheet of paper
* A marker
* A ruler
Step 1:
Cut out lots of different paper shapes. The more you cut out, the more fun you will have constructing funny faces.
Step 2:
Take your plain sheet of paper and draw a frame. Use the ruler to make straight lines.
Step 3:
Cut out face shapes (circle, oval or maybe even square?). You will need a face shape for each member of your family. Once you have your face shapes, start playing around with mini shapes and constructing different kinds of faces.
Step 4:
To make this activity more fun, don’t glue your shapes straight away, take your time to discuss facial features and what is different/similar about them in different people (papa has a big nose, little sister has bushy eyebrows, etc).
Step 5:
Once you’ve constructed your funny family portrait, go ahead and glue all the details together. And now lets add the last touches with the marker!
Step 6:
Show your portrait to all the family members and have a laugh together! - Yuliya
.. Yufrukt
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