B:Kids Banner Design Contest
by Homemade Happiness :: Homemade Happiness blog :: etsy shop
by Nicole Ray :: sloe gin fizz etxy shop
by Noisette Marketing :: Noisette etsy shop
by Verity Heysen Kizek :: the light Garden blog
by oh smile by Eva :: oh smile etsy shop
by Sugar and Cream :: Sugar and Cream etsy shop
by Flora Douville :: Flora Douville blog :: Flora's shop
by Beth Emily :: Beth Emily's blog :: Beth Emily etsy shop
by Joy ever After :: Joy ever After etsy shop
by English muffin blog :: Enlish muffin etsy shop
by Binny :: Binny blog :: Binny etsy shop
by fold here by Miro Chun :: fold here blog :: fold here shop
by Kayanna Nelson :: Junecraft etsy shop
by Showler and Showler :: showler and showler blog
by Lily-X ::
by Suz Sanchez :: Little Blue Day blog
by Kit Chase :: lullaloo blog
by Mariana Oppel blog :: Mariana Oppel etsy shop
by Mary Anne Lloyd :: Mary Anne Lloyd portfolio
by MJ interactive design :: MJ's illustrations
by Sannsku ::
by Kate Larsen :: box of birds blog
by Mariëtte Strik ::
by Sarah Banach :: Sarah Banach etsy shop
by Julia Humpfer :: Julia's etsy shop Herbstkind
I have to explain a little bit about this entry, the above banner is a short movie, click here to view it...
by Pesto Design :: pesto design banners
by Beerlala :: Beerlala blog :: etsy shop
by Barbara Ruiz :: an elephant with a pen blog
Advise please, who do you like best ? Tomorrow I will announce the winner :)
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