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Gift ideas and Festive Thoughts By Deborah from Kickcan and Conkers

Monday, 15 November 2010 by Irene Hoofs


Gift ideas and Festive Thoughts by Deborah from Kickcan and Conkers

*for Babies:  Accordian style baby book from Weegallery
*for Girls: Doll cushion made by Jenni
*for Boys:  Wooden Indian Camp set
*handmade:  Mobile by Zephiro
*eco-friendly: Pyjamas by Adri
*pure luxury :  Dress Up gear by Wovenplay
*less than 25:  Nesting dolls by Ingela P Arrhenius
*less than 50:  Shapemaker by Miller Goodman
*less than 100: Violeta doll by Kase Faz

"Christmas? Santa Claus, Rudolph and snowflakes… yes, I’m a big kid and Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Having spent my childhood in England, the word Christmas conjures up images of mince pies, carol singers, crackers and turkey. Christmas is a time for celebrating traditions, so important and sadly on the decline. I have lived in the South of France for over twenty years now so French, Provençal traditions very much prevail. Great care is taken in preparing Le Réveillon, in particular. It’s a family affair, we buy oysters, shellfish, local goat’s cheese, bread and fresh fruit and vegetables from the market and enjoy looking for the traditional Treize Desserts (13 desserts).  Christmas? The joy of giving… how I love finding the perfect present, wrapping paper, card and accompanying words. Nothing compares with the smiles of your loved ones on Christmas morning! Christmas is a time for sharing, for thinking of others, for being thankful. It’s a time to reunite, to bring the family together. We try to spend part of our holidays with my side of the family every year, which means trips to England or a house full of English cousins, depending on our arrangements. We have no plans as yet for this December, but I am already looking forward to leaving a glass of milk and a carrot by our fireplace, and, yes, I do so love my Christmas Pud!"

..Kickcan and Conkers..


Bloggers Gift Guide for Kids 2010

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