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Sponsor Spotlight: MiniBulles

Wednesday, 2 May 2012 by Irene Hoofs


MiniBulles might not have a large selection of products, but what they do have is lovely. I actually enjoy not having to comb through pages and pages of items trying to find just what I am looking for - MiniBulles curates a sweet selection of goodies on every page. You can find the rocking chair here, retro chair here, and cloud cushions here.


Look at these adorable animal coat-racks - I think the rabbit is my favorite. Every child must have an official tooth fairy kit, or how will the tooth fairy know where to put the money? Teeth aren't cheap, you know? MiniBulles is the creation of Julie and Sophie both ladies are from France, but now run their business from Quebec, Canada. You can learn more about them on their blog. - Sponsor Spotlight


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