Some things I liked this week...
{DIY glitter pencils}
Shall we make Glitter pencils today ... or are you having something else in mind to spend this weekend? We are getting friends over for diner, boys started soccer again this morning and tomorrow, yes Sunday, it is open day at the school ... meet and greet with the new teachers ...
Back to school with mom's handmade Liberty Backpacks...
How about we turn the bed into a Schoolbus?
We all need Funny Bunny headbands !
Simple things like a natural clothes rack ...
Are you also considering buying a piano?Monday Funday and living outside the Box.
Some cool storage paper bags that always come in handy ...
And the winner of the Mosey Handmade gift voucher Giveaway is : Rahel
- Wish you a really nice weekend! Hope you enjoyed the posts here on BKids and over at BLiving. I enjoyed making them for you and looking forward to another inspiring week next week, see you! ... but first Let's Make Lollipops! - irene xoxo
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