This one's for the Dads
Father's Day is just around the corner and what's better than a card with a heartfelt message for Papa! The egg press cards have been great, with a design for every occasion. My favorite has got to be the ones with the mustaches. Perfect for telling Dad how much you love and appreciate him.
For this special occasion, Bloesem has dedicated one whole to table to the most important guys in our lives. With everything we think would make our Dad's one happy camper. We share some of our favorite picks today but make sure you pop by the store to have a look for yourself. We are even having some extra special Father's Day activities in the store this weekend so make sure you swing by.
On to gift ideas.. How about something for dad's office? We recently added these paper weights from Desinere to the Bloesem collection.
These Alfredo Gonzales socks are for Dad to have some fun. If kids can have cute socks, Dad's should have some wacky socks too. Practical and stylish, a present all Dad's can get on board with. The socks come in a set of 5, in an amazing box which makes it already great gift material. No extra packing required. Top it off with a card and you are good to go!
And if Dad is one for tech stuff, he would probably enjoy this handmade full leather ipad case from Keecie.
.. Shop the collection at
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