Instamom: Anna Ciolina
Thursday, 9 October 2014 by Irene Hoofs
Welcoming Anna to our favorite group of instagram mommies! Find out her 3 favorite times of the day, what being a mom means to her and how instagram has become something she did not expect it to be..
I N S T A M O M:
I am Anna Ciolina, 25 and a (children-) stylist and photographer. I've always loved styling and taking pictures, and ever since my pregnancy that changed into everything becoming kids-related... I live in The Netherlands, Rotterdam with my big love Christopher and daughter Stella (Pomme).
Number of kiddos: Stella just turned two years. For now, it's only her. But I would love to have a big family.
Sundays are for: Sleeping in, yes really: I'm blessed with a kid that loves to sleep. Breakfast at our favorite place around the corner and family. I come from a big family (5 kids) and on Sunday we always eat at my parents. Stella loves it there, because there are animals and she gets to help her grandfather ('opie'): getting the eggs from the chickens and feeding the goats. I have so many great memories there and although I love living in the city, in a couple of years I would love to live like that: in a old house with a big garden and animals.
You can't leave now.. the rest of the question and answer sesh awaits you after the cut..
My favorite Time of the day: I work from home, so my days are usually very scheduled. I use the morning to completely focus my attention on Stella, we go out and I will leave my phone at home. I love my mornings with her, although it can be really hard to work at home sometimes, I'm so happy I've seen her grow up these two years and have this amazing bond with her... After our morning together, we come back, eat lunch and she will take her nap. This is the time I have a couple hours to work. I also love this time, so I can focus and can relax because I know I did what I needed to do. And of course in the evening when Chris comes home, is that lame? Maybe it is, but he still makes me laugh every day and love to see Stella and Chris having their moment in the evening. So I have three favorite times a day ;)
At the moment I am very busy with work!! Instagram is an amazing place and it's so fun to see brands/people finding you through such an amazing app. A family portrait, a lookbook for a store and shooting product pictures: these are just a couple of the things I need to do this week and most of them found me through Instagram. I never thought Instagram would provide me work and also friends!! It's a fun (but sometimes also weird) place...
My day consists of.. Stella and work mostly, but now that Stella is going to pre-school, I get three mornings 'free'. So I will see friends and do stuff for myself...
Other passions are: My work (kids fashion, photography and styling) is also my passion but next to that I spend my time at our home. I love to change things around here... I've always got bored quite fast but now with Instagram and Pinterest it's getting worse! I don't mind at all and love to get inspired but Chris isn't always very happy with me. But in the end we have a cozy home so he can't complain too much.
Being a Mom means… trying to be the best version of who you can be. So your kid has a good example and grows up to be a happy, social, creative and independent person. Maybe that's different for every child you get, but this is what I hope for Stella to be.
Thank you Anna for being part of our instagram moms, we loved getting to know you better!
.. Follow Anna on instagram
.. Bloesem and Zara S. on instagram
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