Tuesday, 19 October 2010 by Irene Hoofs
Like in the old BKids I will try and bring a nice craft project on Tuesdays. Today I'm going to share you three projects from wonderful creative bloggers who are all considering joining the BKids team, I hope so!

Ariana from crow roosters crow came up with this super cute craft idea...

Helen from Curly Birds gives you a tutorial on how to create your own dress-up costumes...

...and Cintia from My Poppet posted this Tossing Bean Bags tutorial, which I sure my sons would love to play with!
Friday, 25 September 2009 by Irene Hoofs
The first craft project by Courtney Russell who many of you probably know from the beautiful blog Two Straight Lines ... I'm very happy Courtney will be contributing every other week on a Friday with one of her fantastic DIY ideas ... soon she will also open her own website called Good Craft, but please first enjoy this DIY idea :: how to decorate your child's locker in school with a Chalkboard clipboard and some photo magnets.
..craft projects..
And of course I wish you all a very lovely weekend ..irene xoxo..
Sunday, 20 September 2009 by Irene Hoofs
...oh boy did I have a wonderful week last week! My husband and I spend 4 romantic days on a island here in Malaysia and being with just the two of us was really nice ... no need to care of our boys and knowing that they were having a wonderful time with their grandparents ... of course I was extremely HAPPY when coming home and seeing their beautiful faces, but I can really recommend a short trip for all parents once in a while!
I apologize for not posting a new win-on-Wednesday, an open house tour or a new craft project last week, but I promise this week I'm back to my usual routine and will share super nice things with you! To start this week I will show you a
craft project from
Maya Donenfeld, who many of you probably know from
her blog maya*made.
Maya grew up in San Francisco and now lives in rural upstate New York with her husband and two young children, she is a
very busy women, so it makes me happy that she still finds time to once in a while share one of her craft projects with us... today she shows us how to make '
nature craft crowns and cuffs'...
..how to make nature craft crowns.. ..craft projects..
..maya*made shop..
Saturday, 12 September 2009 by Irene Hoofs

A fun project for the weekend ... jumping cups ... and idea from Kristen Sutcliffe, one of the new craft contributors from B:Kids. Kristen is the author of a very beautiful blog where you will see how creative and talented she is. After living in Japan for a couple of years Kristen has returned to her hometown, Pittsburgh, where she lives with her little girl and husband who is a potter. Kristen also has a nice etsy shop where you can buy lovely handmade aprons and gorgeous vintage ribbons.
..how to make jumping cups..
..craft projects..
Tuesday, 28 July 2009 by Irene Hoofs
That the weekly craft projects by Arounna here on B:Kids last year were a huge success I already knew, and I'm glad the authors of the book Play All Day agreed with me ... they invited Arounna to share some of the projects in this incredible book. The publisher, Gestalten says the book is about documenting a collection of the most vibrant, stimulating and engaging design products and concepts for children....wow ... how fun for Arounna and me that starting working together online resulted in something like this!
{more images form the book 'Play All Day, Design for Children' by R. Klanten, S. Ehmann}
Open Invite::
Are you a interested in becoming the new 'Craft Projects Editor for B:Kids' and your are able to provide B:kids with a nice project every two weeks just get in touch with me...but please understand that I'm looking for someone who is a 'fit' with the B:Kids style...an important part of the projects are the right images and I know this can be difficult...looking forward to seeing your example of a DIY/Craft project in my inbox, irene x Sorry already found someone ... will let you know soon who it is or who they are :)
Monday, 2 February 2009 by Irene Hoofs
... a very lovely craft project to start this Monday with ... Wiebke from Line+Liv sent over this fun idea which she made with her girls ... Wiebke is planning to show many more nice projects on her website in the near future! ... click here to see all the details and how you can make these hair brooches and hair bands easily yourself ...
..Craft project..