• bloesem design

2 posts categorized "Design"

Link Love & Design Week

Bloesem kids | Link love & Kids Design Week 2015 in Milan

As we continue through the week, we are getting our live feed of images from the Kids Design Week in Milan from Make History while they are there for their exhibition. If you were unable to make it there too we have more images after the cut!

Paper flower inspirations got us in the Spring time mood.

Great daily outfit inspiration for places which are still experiencing chills.

Travel accents in the kid's room.

A mommy-daughter matching dress set that we actually approve of.

9 books in one so you don't have to read the same book at bedtime everynight.

A shirt perfect for summer time fun.

This mouse bag is the perfect place to store sneaky treats..

Xo, The Bloesem Team

More from Kids Design Week after the cut.

Bloesem kids | Link love & Kids Design Week 2015 in Milan

Bloesem kids | Link love & Kids Design Week 2015 in Milan

Bloesem kids | Link love & Kids Design Week 2015 in Milan

Bloesem kids | Link love & Kids Design Week 2015 in Milan

Bloesem kids | Link love & Kids Design Week 2015 in Milan

Image credits: Anouk van der El

.. Kids Design Week

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Kids Design Week

Bloesem Kids | Kids Design Week in Milan

Meccano by Matteo Zorzenoni

It's Design week in Milan and of course along with that comes Kids Design Week which takes place from 14th to 19th of April 2015. Our the fun shapes and colours are getting us hyped to see more. Thankfully for the internet that is all possible as we are not able to physically be there. This is the week to see all the latest innovation and ideas in Kids design, whether it is furniture or toys, the latest and greatest come to exhibit their finest.

The creative juices are flowing just from visiting the Kids Design Week site.. we suggest you have a look too, many exciting things to get on board with this week! 

Bloesem Kids | Kids Design Week in Milan

Lobbyist Armchair by Pliet 

Bloesem Kids | Kids Design Week in Milan

Policosmos pop-up by PCM

Bloesem Kids | Kids Design Week in Milan


Bloesem Kids | Kids Design Week in Milan

Scent Diffusers by Daniele Bortotto

Bloesem Kids | Kids Design Week in Milan

.. and last but definitely not least .. Make History is also showcasing in Milan this year. Make sure to visit the exhibitions if you are in Milan and we will be sharing more images this week as we get a live update from our friend Anouk from Make History while she is there.

.. Kids Design Week 

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