• bloesem design

1 posts categorized "News"

Hooray we've moved!





Bloesem Kids, along with Bloesem Living, is officially moving to our new integrated online platform, BloesemDesign.com! We're beyond happy to be finally sharing this with you guys after one year in the making. Over there you'll find blog posts rolling out as per usual, except with even more interesting and quality content, along with new columns. Can't wait for you guys to see it!

Coming to Bloesem's 10-year anniversary, it definitely feels like the right time to grow into a new space as the company continues to evolve too. This blog, where we blossomed over the years, sure holds sentimental value for us, but we're definitely looking forward to what the next 10 years will bring. So here's a big thank you to all of you for sticking with us on this journey and making it such a fantastic one! It definitely wouldn't be the same without all your support. For now, we'll see you on the other side!

Xo, The Bloesem Team

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