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Mom Story: Filippa Asved

Monday, 17 September 2012 by Irene Hoofs


My name is Filippa, I live in Denmark with my husband Claus and our three girls Natascha(11), Olivia (8) and Cleo(3) – we have three cats, 5 fish and five chicken that provide us eggs every day. 

I am a freelance interior stylist with a love for DIY, and ideas for kids, therefore 70 % of my work is all about kids.


My blog is called Cirkus, it started as the place where I could show all the amazing things I find, in hope that someone would be interested and get inspired as I do. I also pin here when I see things I love or need to remember.

And once I blogged for the kids magazine Vi forældre, where I had the luck to find a lot of great stuff for kids and Bloesem jewelry was one of them.

At the moment I use most of my time at my new project – my webshop – Fabel A (decorations and ideas for birthdays and parties). I have wanted to open a webshop, for the last 12 years, but never found the right angle - as I have now. :)


What kind of house do you live in - are you and the kids happy here or is there anything you find lacking or would like to change?

We live in a rather ordinary house north of Copenhagen. It is a two storey house, a pretty big garden, with apple trees, small spaces for reflection and playing. The kids love the trampoline, the chickens, and just being in the garden and playing.

I love the garden and I am working on getting as many flowers as possible in the garden, so it will bloom from spring to fall – I still have a long way to go.

What is it you like best about living there?

That we are close to nature and the city at the same time. Two minutes walk to the Forrest, 10 min by bike to the sea and 15 min by car to Copenhagen.


Do you like to spend time decorating your home and the children’s room?

I love to decorate my home and my kid’s rooms, but ever since I started working as an Interior stylist, I do not have the same need to live in a certain way. But now and again I move things around and decorate my home. I decorate with flowers, almost as an obsession some would say, but for me, a small bouquet can change the look so easily. One of my favorite flowers is Lilac.


Do you keep your children’s play areas separate, or do you believe they should have a space in every part of the house?

Natascha and Olivia each have their own room, the rooms are small and connected but their own, and Cleo still sleeps in our room, and has some of her toys in the bedroom. We have toys in the living room and in our office where they each have their own little “office”.

Where do you look for interior inspiration, favorite magazines, websites, or blogs?

I find inspiration in traveling, magazines, books, Pinterest, blogs, or just observing. The best ideas come when I get home from abroad, a trip to Copenhagen or a walk back from the kindergarten.  

My mom is a textile designer and a crafter and has always been a huge inspiration, even though we do not have the same taste. She taught me to believe in individuality in many aspects of life.

What are your children’s favorite items in your house?

The Trampoline, their bikes, computers, Sullvanien, lego, Play mobile, the swing, water sprinkler in the garden, television, clay, painting and crafting.


Some tidying tips? Do your children tidy up after themselves?

I wish I had – we have been renovating our basement, and I hope that when we move all our things back, it will be in storage systems that would make tidying easier for all of us. 

As for my kids I periodically try to make them tidy up after themselves and it is getting better, but I must admit that they are a bit spoiled.


If you are living in a foreign country, how do you feel about it? How do you meet new people, make new friends? What is it that you miss most about 'home'?

We have lived abroad several times, but we only had kids when we lived in New York - I gave birth to my oldest daughter in New York, at The Elizabeth Seton Childbearing Center, where I also met a lot of sweet people when I attended the childbirth class. We love living abroad and exploring. 

What is your idea of a perfect day with your children?

A morning with smile and laughter, and an afternoon where we are together with no expectations, just being together.


What is a normal day with your children? What do you do on the weekends?

I bring them to school and kinder garden at 8 and pick them up around 16, three times a week they go to sports or music and often they have friends over. On weekends, we try to be together all 5 of us. See friends, family, play in the garden; work in the garden and house. Some times we go to the summerhouse to do absolutely nothing.

Can you mention some of your ‘how-to-raise-your-kid’ advice?

Not much – but the things I appreciated was: Breastfeed if you can, let your children sleep next to you as long as you can manage – we had each of them the first year. Show them love, smile, laughter and that you believe in them.


What kind of DIY projects do you like to do with your children?

We love to make Christmas decorations, and painting Easter eggs. Beside that we have made a lot of HABA plates, necklaces, paintings and clay dough figures. 

Are you a crafter or DIY person? 

Can you be both? Yes – love it. But I must admit that for the most time I am a DIY person – I try hard to be better at crafting. When I was younger I did a lot of crafting, but somehow I lost it when I started working behind the computer as a digital designer. 

I attend a local Graphic printing workshop, where I make small art prints for my self and for the friends that like them.


Books, websites, local shops you would recommend for tips and ideas about kids crafting?

Jørgen Clevin was definitely a big inspiration when I was a kid, and Lis Paludan. Today a lot of kids gets their inspiration from Shane Brox - he makes amazing things. Martha Stewart and her creative team have definitely inspired me years ago with MS Kids magazine.

How do you like to celebrate birthday's and other special days in your house?

With friends and family, loots of good food, a layered cake for the birthday girl, happy decorations, laughter smiles and a treasure hunt in the garden. 

Are you a ‘cook’ or ‘food lover’ or both?

I cook because I love it and yes I love food that is made with love. My girls would really like to help – but at the moment our workspace in the kitchen is so small that it does not happen to often. But in the near future we hope to change the kitchen and then I hope they can help some more – if they still have the passion for it.


Where would you like to go to on vacation - with or without your children? 

We love to travel – with and without our children. We go on ski holyday almost once a year and in the summer we go camping somewhere in Europe – this summer we went around France. 

Claus and I sometimes go to Paris, London, or Stockholm to meet up whit our friends, or just relax for a day or two.

Last year we went with the kids to New York to see where we lived and where Natascha was born – great trip, the jetlag was a bit hard on the kids, but they loved being in the city and exploring.

What a sweet Mom Story, thank you Filippa for sharing it with us!!

..Fabel A

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